Sunday, November 29, 2009
W.T. F.
i>Look for more dirty tricks from the gang, expect it,
dirty tricks will happen; the recorded history of Port.smouth shows
there it no limit to their vicious abuse of all dissenting citizens who
dare speak up for justice, liberty and our inalienable God-given Constitutional
rights as American citizens.
Written by Austin Leedom, An American Citizen of Portsmouth, Ohio - 20Nov09
Here's what one of his former colleagues has to say about him on yet another web forum.
Does Sentinel Owner Austin Leedom Pay Taxes? Does the owner of the Shawnee Sentinel Website pay his fair share of taxes? Well out of his own mouth Austin Leedom told me that he refuses to pay Portsmouth City Income Taxes on income he makes when he works out of the State of Ohio. Leedom has been asked this question directly by Portsmouth Mayor Jim Kalb but Leedom refuses to answer the question. So, if what Leedom told me is the truth, and it was told to me during the 2004 tax year, what right does Leedom have to denegrate any public servant? I knew there might come a day that Leedom would turn on me so I wrote it all down, dated it, timed it, and had a witness sign it, including the location where it was told to us, and the time it was said to us and I have verified that my friend still has his copy of the document. The statement was made during a morning breakfast at the Gallia Street McDonalds. The time has come for Leedom to come clean on his tax information. Leedom leaves Portsmouth and makes thousands of dollars after hurricanes, floods, ice storms, etc. ... He rarely writes stories. He still uses my stories even though my attorney wrote him an email to stop using my intellectual property. Leedom now has hooked up with a well known drug abuser named Joe Ferguson and Leedom is promoting how honest this guy is and how great his (Ferguson's) investigations have been. I challenge anyone to go find a story Ferguson actually investigated and didn't just hear on a scanner or get a call to come rush to see a fire or something to that affect. Ferguson pled guilty to drug charges. This guy claims to be disabled yet he worked for "free" (if you believe that) for Lee Scott at the Columbia Music Hall. Could Scott have been paying Ferguson under the table too?? Are Leedom and Ferguson two peas in a pod? Only their tax forms and the people that hired them know the truth about these matters. Until Leedom shows his out of state income and proves to the people of Portsmouth that he paid his fair share of city income taxes nobody should ever believe a word he says or writes. I believe Leedom told me the truth, that he won't pay his city taxes on the money he made while working out of state. -John Welton (aka Doug Deepe
Elsewhere these folks refer to several of their number as convicted felons.
Their writings are full of unfounded accusations and vicious probably libelous attacks on prominent citizens. On of the favorite slurs is accusing folks of being "Mafiaosos" [sic] Get a clue guys don't accuse people of being something you can't spell the correct spelling is MAFIOSO. We at the Irish Mob respect our Italian opposite numbers far too much to not get the name spelled correctly. Anyway, the point of all this is that anywhere else thes fruitcakes would be laughed out of town
or at least kept from spewing their venom at every council meeting, isn't it time we started treating these bozos like the morons they are. I'm just saying.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Appalachian Pride
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed all the tired Northeastern Liberal clichés you spewed all over the internet from that venomous little cesspool of self-aggrandizement and hysterical accusations you call a blog. Try to imagine how tired us poor hillbillies are of hearing easterners like you telling us exactly what our problems are. In fact those of us who are not inbred check drawers and that would be the majority of us, know full well that the people who settled Appalachia and who stayed here were and are the kind of hearty self reliant people who made this country the greatest country in the world. We may have been poor but we were proud and fiercely independent until big government morons like you decided to save us from ourselves. How dare you look down your arrogant New England nose at those of us who are natives of this region. If you're really such an outstanding intellectual with Ivy League credentials how is it that you would condescend to teach in such a backward wilderness? Perhaps like so many other opportunistic foreigners who come here because they can't succeed in more competitive markets, you realized that in Appalachia you could con people into believing you were as important as you imagine you are. Get a clue old man you don't matter to anyone but a bunch of paranoid drama queens and convicted felons most of your students know that your a fraud and no one really cares what you and your crew think. Perhaps its time you retired to a place more suited for someone with your superior sensibilities or hell, you could just jump off the Grant Bridge and do everyone a favor.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thanks to P-Townunderground.
blog River Vices:
[They] are anonymously and cowardly slandering other candidates for office in a blog that appropriately calls itself “The Underground.” The lowdown types who have produced this blog are truly part of the underground.
Let the record show the Irish Mob is proud to be among these lowdown types who will not be cowed by the kind of hypocrite who in the same article goes on to attack the good folks at the Kiwanis for the their terrible crime of building the children of Portsmouth a free playground. Here's a news flash for you Prof. since its completion the playground has been full of happy children who don't give a damn what you write on your little blog. Any way thanks P-Town Underground we appreciate your efforts to take back our town. By the way is it true that if you look up pompous ass in the dictionary you find a picture of the author of River Vices? Just curious.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Who is Moe and Why Does He Think He Matters?
It was my first experience with the CAVE people. These folks spewed hatred and vicious unfounded accusations with gleeful abandon. They were rude and belligerent and opposed to virtually everything and they seemed intent on running this city into the ground. Clearly something had to be done. I had no idea who these people were , but I intended to find out. I did learn that one of the two councilmen who appeared to be in league with the CAVE people was the representative from my ward Bob Mollette. I was very pleased when an intelligent, pragmatic, upright young man like Nicholas Basham stepped forward to oppose Mollette and subsequently hand him a resounding defeat. I should have known that the CAVE people would immeadiately begin spewing their paranoid accusations and inuendoes. Like the following from Moe's News Forum:
Who Is Basham |
This one will bear watching for sure. His comments are way off base for the normal people! States that we must have a new City Building! !
I don't know who Lee is but he's obviously never heard of checking facts or libel laws for that matter. He clearly has no idea who Sarah Conley us [daughter, not wife, pal]. Lets try for some accuracy, but then you don't understand that term do you. As for someone owning Basham, he is definitely his own man, Hell he doesn't even have a seriously angry, paranoid wife to tell him what do. Nope, I know it will be hard for you CAVE people to grasp but you are not the norm, if you really think normal people don't want a new city building you should run not walk to your nearest mental health care professional and get some help. The truth is the normal folks are waking up to the fact that you are a malignant growth on the body politic and its time for you to sit down and shut up.