Friday, November 13, 2009

Who is Moe and Why Does He Think He Matters?

Let me begin by saying that I have lived in Portsmouth for nearly 18yrs, and during that time I have never felt compelled to become involved in the political process in anyway except of course to vote. That changed in 2007 when I attended my first city council meeting at the request of a friend. We were not there in regards to the Marting bldg. controversy, Hell, I didn't know there was one. As I waited for my friend to thank the council for some service they had rendered his organization, I was treated to a display of malicious foolishness unlike any I had ever seen before.
It was my first experience with the CAVE people. These folks spewed hatred and vicious unfounded accusations with gleeful abandon. They were rude and belligerent and opposed to virtually everything and they seemed intent on running this city into the ground. Clearly something had to be done. I had no idea who these people were , but I intended to find out. I did learn that one of the two councilmen who appeared to be in league with the CAVE people was the representative from my ward Bob Mollette. I was very pleased when an intelligent, pragmatic, upright young man like Nicholas Basham stepped forward to oppose Mollette and subsequently hand him a resounding defeat. I should have known that the CAVE people would immeadiately begin spewing their paranoid accusations and inuendoes. Like the following from Moe's News Forum:
Who Is Basham

Heard he was indirectly owned/controlled by the gang? Heard his treasurer is/was Sara Conley? Wife of Conley whom works for Bob Smith and Runs Money Concepts? We all know Bob is one of Johnsons early and steady cohorts. ........

This one will bear watching for sure. His comments are way off base for the normal people! States that we must have a new City Building! !
I don't know who Lee is but he's obviously never heard of checking facts or libel laws for that matter. He clearly has no idea who Sarah Conley us [daughter, not wife, pal]. Lets try for some accuracy, but then you don't understand that term do you. As for someone owning Basham, he is definitely his own man, Hell he doesn't even have a seriously angry, paranoid wife to tell him what do. Nope, I know it will be hard for you CAVE people to grasp but you are not the norm, if you really think normal people don't want a new city building you should run not walk to your nearest mental health care professional and get some help. The truth is the normal folks are waking up to the fact that you are a malignant growth on the body politic and its time for you to sit down and shut up.

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