Wednesday, December 30, 2009


10. Kevin Johnson and Robert Forrey fall in love and move to Portsmouth New Hampshire where they can be be legally wed and still work to ruin a city named Portsmouth.

9. Teresa Mollette begins anger management therapy after Drs. warn that attending one more city council meeting could cause her head to explode.

8. Austin Leedom learns to write, stops lying and pays his taxes.

7. City of Portsmouth finally gains the money needed to fix the Grandview Ave. sewer problems when Rich Knoll pays 20 yrs of back water and sewer bills.

6. Jane Murray faces fact that being Mayor of Portsmouth doesn't make her a world leader and returns  to Lexington, KY.

5. Harold Daub shaves ridicules moustache and gives up favorite passtime of being a public pain in the ass.

4. P-Town Underground  wins best public service blog award.

3. SOGP and City Government cleared of all graft and corruption charges when it is revealed that Irish Mob really runs the city.

2. No property owned by Lee Scott burns down.

1. Everyone stops bitching and starts working together to make our town grow again.


Friday, December 25, 2009



"  I will be taking a sabbatical from River Vices for the first half of 2010 to prepare a publication for the 300th anniversary of a church in my hometown, in Massachusetts, which I mentioned in a previous posting. I know that the results of the recent municipal elections in Portsmouth, while encouraging, do not signal the end of the problems plaguing our community, including d rugs and prostitution, but rather just the first tentative steps toward addressing them. I wish I could continue to investigate and comment on those problems in the months ahead. But I know from the past four and a half years of writing River Vices that it takes up more time than most people might imagine. It is not the writing—it is the research and the editing (the editing above all) that demands so much time. I envy those who can knock off a piece of writing with no sweat in no time. I agonize over each word and sentence and I revise constantly, and still end up dissatisfied with the results."    HERE'S A NEWS FLASH, DOC  A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE DISSATISFIED WITH YOUR RESULTS.  FORREY GOES ON TO ACCUSE ANONYMOUS BLOGS LIKE OURS OF EITHER BEING RUN BY DERANGED PERSONS OR SKUNKS OR POSSIBLY IT COULD BE REGULAR PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT THE CAVE PEOPLE POKING AROUND IN THEIR PRIVATE LIVES OR IN OUR CASE IT MIGHT BE BECAUSE WE'RE MOBSTERS AND IN MOB CIRCLES IT PAYS TO KEEP A LOW PROFILE.  THE BIG QUESTION IS WHAT IS A GAY, ATHIEST A**HOLE LIKE FORREY, DOING WORKING ON ANYTHING FOR A CHURCH, HE PROBABLY PLANS ON STEALING THEIR BABY JESUS. BUT ANYWAY AT LEAST ONE ANNOYING JERK SHOULD BE OUT OF THE BLOGOSPHERE, WE CAN ONLY HOPE THAT IT WILL PROVE TO BE PERMANENT, MAYBE GOD WILL GET HIM FOR HIS HEINOUS CRIME SPREE THIS CHRISTMAS OR MAYBE HE'LL RUN AFOUL OF SOME MOBSTERS WHO ARE NOT AS KIND AND GENTLE AS US. HEY IT COULD HAPPEN.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The Irish Mob has learned from sources within the Special Christmas Crimes Task Force of the PPD.  Hey, we're the Irish Mob, of course we have contacts within the PPD; but to be fair, only within the Special
Christmas Crimes Task Force, the rest of the PPD are disgustingly honest. At any rate our sources tell us that there have been a number of instances of the Baby Jesus disappearing from people's home creches this
Christmas season. The Special Christmas Crimes Task Force officially claims to be baffled by this series of bizarre abductions, privately our sources tell us they're pretty sure that Dr. Robert Forrey, the man the P-Town Underground has dubbed Grinch no.1, is behind the thefts.When asked why the SCCTF didn't haul his ancient dried-up, godless, ass in for questioning our source pointed out that too many of the SCCTF were CAVE people sympathizers to ever take on the groups very own little gay messiah. So there you have it Portsmouth, homes all over our great city are bereft this Christmas season , as Protestant and Catholic families alike try to adjust to a  Christmas with no Baby Jesus in their Nativity Scene mangers.  And this tragedy is probably due to the cruel machinations of  a man who not only hates the Baby Jesus and His Father, but women and religion and the University and city that took him in after he no doubt screwed up his life wherever he was before he came here. .  The Irish Mob knows that Jesus is The Reason for the Season and that if Forrey is behind this heinous crime its because he not only wants to destroy Portsmouth but Christmas as well . Be advised Herr Doktor! The citizens of this city will not tolerate this your evil hold over this city is about to end. If you ,dear reader, are fortunate enought to still have your Baby Jesus at home safe in His little manger guard Him well.  Merry Christmas Portsmouth and Screw You Dr. Forrey

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Even though he hasn't taken office yet, Third Ward Councilman-Elect Nicholas Basham is already at work helping local business owners and keeping citizens safe. On Sat. Dec.19, Councilman-Elect Basham was supporting our city's economy by doing his Christmas shopping locally. He was waiting for his purchases to be wrapped at B Sweete Chocolaterie, when he smelled something burning he turned to discover a candle had fallen over on a display table and had set some cellophane wrap on fire. The quick thinking Basham,rushed to put the fire out, not only saving the B Sweete Chocolaterie from possible destruction but perhaps saving an entire block of our historical district, since as everyone knows those old buildings sometimes burn like tinder. So while the CAVE people continue to tear our city down and revile our leaders its good to know that there are folks like Nicholas Basham out there to put out the fires.

Monday, December 7, 2009

More of Leedom's Malicious Lies and Threats

Here's the last few stirring lines of deathless prose posted by supposedly self-confessed tax evader Leedom on that pitiful excuse for a news blog of his whats it called the Shawnee Shitpile or something like that, any way notice how this jerk is already trying to intimidate co
Councilman elect Basham:
Now the question is, how is Nicholas Basham going to vote? Will he blindly vote for whatever other councilmen tell him to vote for?

Will Nicholas Basham vote as ordered by the Gang or will be vote for the citizens of the city?

The low road or the high road; Nicholas Basham must make his choice.

But, first, perhaps, Mr. Basham should consider that the gang cannot remove him from the office in humiliating disgrace, but the citizens can, and shall, remove any person who tries to violate their God-given rights as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. This is America!

Written by Austin Leedom
Monday, December 7th, 2009

Here's what the Irish Mob wants to know: Why is it all right for these numb skulls to bore the hell out of everyone with their half truths,and slanderous garbage. It's bad enough that they are free to pollute the internet with this crap. We can see it as a first amendment right for these fools to be allowed to vent their spleen in regards to items on the agenda for council meetings but its not a violation of the first amendment to refuse to allow them to get up and share their ignorance and their paranoid fantasies with folks who don't want to hear them. I mean the Irish Mob attends council meetings from time to time and since unlike Leedom we pay our city income taxes, we don't think our tax dollars should be wasted on the extra electricity and gas that must be expended just to allow these a**holes to ramble on about their delusions and feel important. We urge council to save tax money spent on utilities and do away with the right of citizens to speak on items not on the agenda. In a representative democracy we're supposed to take our concerns to our elected representative. I mean even the CAVE people great watchdogs of freedom that they are ought to understand such a basic principle. On another note we all know how Forrey, the Molettes, Ferguson, Leedom, Lee Scott, Wayne Nichols, Harold Daubs and the rest of the CAVE crew are always carping about folks who actually try to do something to help the city progress, but does anyone know what the hell these jerks have ever done that was actually of any real positive value? Maybe since they love threatening elected officials with recall petitions we could put together a petition to have the city buy their properties at a fair price and throw them them the hell out of town. Hey in the old days someone might have suggested that they sleep with the fishes, see how the Irish Mob has mellowed.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

W.T. F.

As I wrote in an earlier post I had no idea who the lunatic CAVE people were what I've been finding out is so bizarre it would be funny if it weren't for the fact that apparently some folks are dumb enough to take their hysterical paranoid accusations seriously. Here's what Austin Leedom had to say aboout our city solictor and some other local lawyers and business people on his Shawnee Sentinel site,

i>Look for more dirty tricks from the gang, expect it,

dirty tricks will happen; the recorded history of Port.smouth shows

there it no limit to their vicious abuse of all dissenting citizens who

dare speak up for justice, liberty and our inalienable God-given Constitutional

rights as American citizens.
Written by Austin Leedom, An American Citizen of Portsmouth, Ohio - 20Nov09

Here's what one of his former colleagues has to say about him on yet another web forum.

Does Sentinel Owner Austin Leedom Pay Taxes? Does the owner of the Shawnee Sentinel Website pay his fair share of taxes? Well out of his own mouth Austin Leedom told me that he refuses to pay Portsmouth City Income Taxes on income he makes when he works out of the State of Ohio. Leedom has been asked this question directly by Portsmouth Mayor Jim Kalb but Leedom refuses to answer the question. So, if what Leedom told me is the truth, and it was told to me during the 2004 tax year, what right does Leedom have to denegrate any public servant? I knew there might come a day that Leedom would turn on me so I wrote it all down, dated it, timed it, and had a witness sign it, including the location where it was told to us, and the time it was said to us and I have verified that my friend still has his copy of the document. The statement was made during a morning breakfast at the Gallia Street McDonalds. The time has come for Leedom to come clean on his tax information. Leedom leaves Portsmouth and makes thousands of dollars after hurricanes, floods, ice storms, etc. ... He rarely writes stories. He still uses my stories even though my attorney wrote him an email to stop using my intellectual property. Leedom now has hooked up with a well known drug abuser named Joe Ferguson and Leedom is promoting how honest this guy is and how great his (Ferguson's) investigations have been. I challenge anyone to go find a story Ferguson actually investigated and didn't just hear on a scanner or get a call to come rush to see a fire or something to that affect. Ferguson pled guilty to drug charges. This guy claims to be disabled yet he worked for "free" (if you believe that) for Lee Scott at the Columbia Music Hall. Could Scott have been paying Ferguson under the table too?? Are Leedom and Ferguson two peas in a pod? Only their tax forms and the people that hired them know the truth about these matters. Until Leedom shows his out of state income and proves to the people of Portsmouth that he paid his fair share of city income taxes nobody should ever believe a word he says or writes. I believe Leedom told me the truth, that he won't pay his city taxes on the money he made while working out of state. -John Welton (aka Doug Deepe

Elsewhere these folks refer to several of their number as convicted felons.
Their writings are full of unfounded accusations and vicious probably libelous attacks on prominent citizens. On of the favorite slurs is accusing folks of being "Mafiaosos" [sic] Get a clue guys don't accuse people of being something you can't spell the correct spelling is MAFIOSO. We at the Irish Mob respect our Italian opposite numbers far too much to not get the name spelled correctly. Anyway, the point of all this is that anywhere else thes fruitcakes would be laughed out of town
or at least kept from spewing their venom at every council meeting, isn't it time we started treating these bozos like the morons they are. I'm just saying.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Appalachian Pride

Dr. Forrey,
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed all the tired Northeastern Liberal clichés you spewed all over the internet from that venomous little cesspool of self-aggrandizement and hysterical accusations you call a blog. Try to imagine how tired us poor hillbillies are of hearing easterners like you telling us exactly what our problems are. In fact those of us who are not inbred check drawers and that would be the majority of us, know full well that the people who settled Appalachia and who stayed here were and are the kind of hearty self reliant people who made this country the greatest country in the world. We may have been poor but we were proud and fiercely independent until big government morons like you decided to save us from ourselves. How dare you look down your arrogant New England nose at those of us who are natives of this region. If you're really such an outstanding intellectual with Ivy League credentials how is it that you would condescend to teach in such a backward wilderness? Perhaps like so many other opportunistic foreigners who come here because they can't succeed in more competitive markets, you realized that in Appalachia you could con people into believing you were as important as you imagine you are. Get a clue old man you don't matter to anyone but a bunch of paranoid drama queens and convicted felons most of your students know that your a fraud and no one really cares what you and your crew think. Perhaps its time you retired to a place more suited for someone with your superior sensibilities or hell, you could just jump off the Grant Bridge and do everyone a favor.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thanks to P-Townunderground.

Thanks to the gang at P-Town Underground for the kind words and the link to Irish Mob. The Irish Mob hopes that P-Town underground will continue their excellent blog. You guys know you're doing something right when you recieve this kind of press from Robert Forrey's
blog River Vices:

[They] are anonymously and cowardly slandering other candidates for office in a blog that appropriately calls itself “The Underground.” The lowdown types who have produced this blog are truly part of the underground.

Let the record show the Irish Mob is proud to be among these lowdown types who will not be cowed by the kind of hypocrite who in the same article goes on to attack the good folks at the Kiwanis for the their terrible crime of building the children of Portsmouth a free playground. Here's a news flash for you Prof. since its completion the playground has been full of happy children who don't give a damn what you write on your little blog. Any way thanks P-Town Underground we appreciate your efforts to take back our town. By the way is it true that if you look up pompous ass in the dictionary you find a picture of the author of River Vices? Just curious.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Who is Moe and Why Does He Think He Matters?

Let me begin by saying that I have lived in Portsmouth for nearly 18yrs, and during that time I have never felt compelled to become involved in the political process in anyway except of course to vote. That changed in 2007 when I attended my first city council meeting at the request of a friend. We were not there in regards to the Marting bldg. controversy, Hell, I didn't know there was one. As I waited for my friend to thank the council for some service they had rendered his organization, I was treated to a display of malicious foolishness unlike any I had ever seen before.
It was my first experience with the CAVE people. These folks spewed hatred and vicious unfounded accusations with gleeful abandon. They were rude and belligerent and opposed to virtually everything and they seemed intent on running this city into the ground. Clearly something had to be done. I had no idea who these people were , but I intended to find out. I did learn that one of the two councilmen who appeared to be in league with the CAVE people was the representative from my ward Bob Mollette. I was very pleased when an intelligent, pragmatic, upright young man like Nicholas Basham stepped forward to oppose Mollette and subsequently hand him a resounding defeat. I should have known that the CAVE people would immeadiately begin spewing their paranoid accusations and inuendoes. Like the following from Moe's News Forum:
Who Is Basham

Heard he was indirectly owned/controlled by the gang? Heard his treasurer is/was Sara Conley? Wife of Conley whom works for Bob Smith and Runs Money Concepts? We all know Bob is one of Johnsons early and steady cohorts. ........

This one will bear watching for sure. His comments are way off base for the normal people! States that we must have a new City Building! !
I don't know who Lee is but he's obviously never heard of checking facts or libel laws for that matter. He clearly has no idea who Sarah Conley us [daughter, not wife, pal]. Lets try for some accuracy, but then you don't understand that term do you. As for someone owning Basham, he is definitely his own man, Hell he doesn't even have a seriously angry, paranoid wife to tell him what do. Nope, I know it will be hard for you CAVE people to grasp but you are not the norm, if you really think normal people don't want a new city building you should run not walk to your nearest mental health care professional and get some help. The truth is the normal folks are waking up to the fact that you are a malignant growth on the body politic and its time for you to sit down and shut up.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bob Molette Vows To Continue to Be A Pain In The Ass

Even though Bob Mollette lost his bid for re-election to the Third Ward Council Seat, he promised at tonight's city council meeting, that as a private citizen he would still stand up for the citizens of Portsmouth and hold city government accountable to transparency and...and.. oh hell, I forget it was just more of the same old tired obstructionist Mollette bullshit, What Mr. Mollette doesn't seem to get is that the people of Portsmouth at least the people of the third ward do not want him representing them. If they did they would have re-elected him. Apparently Mollette intends to follow in the footsteps of his buddy Harold Daub, the re-called former council member who has made a second career out of going to every council meeting and yammering on and on about how poorly the city is being governed. It appears that Mollette intends to add his voice to the fools chorus which goes through their idiotic song and dance at every council meeting. I can not believe that these morons with their incessant bitching about every plan to move Portsmouth forward really represent the majority of citizens of this town. Isn't about we put them in their place and put Portsmouth back on track?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ft. Hood

May God have mercy on the victims of this terrible attack, and on their families and loved ones. Our brave military personnel have fought this war so gallantly abroad, it staggers the imagination to think that they are not safe at home. I can't imagine how they must feel to be attacked by one of their own. I know people compare these Muslim extremists to the kind of fundamentalist Christians who blow up abortion clinics; but the fact is that the nuts who blow up abortion clinics in Jesus' name are going against their Holy Scripture and the wider Christian community does not condone, but rather actively condemns such extreme acts. This does not appear to be the case with Islam. This war is far from over and as we've already seen it will continue to be fought at least in part on American soil. Please say a prayer for our Military and their families and for our nation.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The election is over. Congratulations to Nick Basham. Thanks to Mayor Jim Kalb for his service. I can't wait to see how Mayor-Elect Murray is going to handle being both the plaintiff and the defendant in her pending lawsuit. Lets just hope she doesn't start right off wasting our tax money on herself. Thanks to the guys at P-Town Underground for their fearless reporting. It should be an interesting year.